Embark on Your Journey to Parenthood through Surrogacy

Ready to take the extraordinary step towards parenthood? Our comprehensive support will guide you through every phase of the surrogacy process. From navigating legal aspects to finding the perfect surrogate match, we are dedicated to assisting you at every turn.

Sign up today to begin your path to making your dream of becoming a parent come true.

Step 1

Surrogate Medical Screening and Evaluation

The initial step in the surrogacy process is ensuring that all surrogate candidates meet the necessary medical and psychological criteria. Prospective surrogates will begin by completing a pre-screening form on our website and submitting any required documentation. After meeting the pre-screening standards, we proceed to the evaluation phase.

During this phase, potential surrogates will undergo a background check, a financial review, and a drug test. We will then arrange a home visit or a Skype call to observe their living environment. This step helps us understand their daily surroundings and ensures they maintain a stress-free lifestyle, which is crucial for optimal pregnancy outcomes.

The final part of the evaluation involves a psychological examination. A licensed psychologist will conduct a thorough interview with the surrogates and their primary support person to confirm they are mentally and emotionally prepared to embark on the surrogacy journey.

Start your surrogacy journey with us, knowing our meticulous screening process guarantees the best possible surrogacy experience.

Step 2

Matching Intended Parents with a Surrogate

At Surrogacy by Faith, we ensure that all surrogate requirements and evaluations are thoroughly completed before matching surrogates with intended parents.

Here are the steps we follow to find the perfect surrogate for you:

We start by carefully reviewing the profiles of both intended parents and surrogates to identify potential matches based on preferences and criteria.
Once a potential match is identified, we arrange a video call between the intended parents and the surrogate. This allows both parties to get to know each other better and see if there is a natural connection.
If both parties feel a strong connection and mutual agreement, you’ve been matched! You will then proceed together with the surrogacy process.

Begin your surrogacy journey with Surrogacy by Faith, where our dedicated matching process ensures a harmonious and successful surrogacy experience.

Step 3

Medical and Legal Clearance in the Surrogacy Process:

The next phase of the surrogacy journey involves the surrogate’s medical screening at an IVF clinic and the finalization of the contract with an attorney.

During the medical screening, the surrogate will undergo a physical exam, a sonogram, and blood tests. She will also receive information about the necessary medications for the pregnancy.

This phase is also an exciting opportunity for intended parents, as it may be the first time you meet your surrogate in person. Many intended parents attend the medical screening at the clinic, providing a wonderful chance to begin building a special relationship with the surrogate.

After the blood work results are back from the IVF clinic, the legal aspect of the surrogacy process begins. Our surrogate attorney drafts a contract and sends it to the intended parents’ attorney for review. The intended parents can then accept the contract or request changes.

At Surrogacy by Faith, the legal process usually proceeds smoothly because all parties have already agreed on the “non-termination” clause before starting the surrogacy process.

We are committed to strong Christian values and are one of the few surrogacy agencies in the country that does not support fetal reduction or pregnancy termination.

Once all parties agree and sign the contract, the next phase – embryo transfer – begins.

Start your surrogacy journey with confidence, knowing that Surrogacy by Faith ensures a thorough and value-driven medical and legal clearance process.

Step 4

Embryo Transfer: Preparing for Pregnancy

In this phase, the medical preparations for the surrogate’s embryo transfer begin.

The surrogate starts her medical treatments, including estrogen and progesterone injections, to ready her body for pregnancy. She will also attend local monitoring appointments for bloodwork and ultrasounds to ensure her body is responding well to the fertility medications.

When her body is ready, the embryo transfer procedure takes place. We require all intended parents to perform Pre-implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) before freezing their embryos. PGS tests the embryo’s genetics to ensure there are no abnormalities, reducing the chances of a failed transfer or early miscarriage.

Following the transfer, the surrogate will receive specific instructions from the IVF doctor on post-transfer protocols. Many intended parents choose to be present during the embryo transfer to share this special moment.

Start your surrogacy journey with us, confident in our thorough and supportive embryo transfer process, ensuring the best possible outcomes for all parties involved.

Step 5

Pregnancy and Delivery: The Final Phases of Your Surrogacy Journey

After the surrogate returns home from the embryo transfer, she will visit her local monitoring clinic for blood tests to ensure the pregnancy is progressing well. An ultrasound will be performed around 6-7 weeks to confirm the heartbeat(s).

At this stage, the surrogate will start routine OB/GYN appointments. Our surrogates maintain close communication with intended parents, providing weekly updates and sharing their pregnancy experiences.

Before you know it, delivery day will arrive, and you’ll finally meet your baby for the first time! To ensure a smooth delivery, intended parents typically collaborate with the surrogate on a birth plan during the last month of pregnancy. Since babies can be unpredictable, having a clear document outlining everyone’s wishes for the delivery is essential.

A surrogacy journey is emotional for everyone, especially when it’s time for the surrogate to say goodbye to the baby and the intended parents. However, many surrogates continue their relationship with the intended parents long after birth. Ongoing phone calls, visits, emails, and photos are all possible, depending on the preferences of both parties. Receiving updates about the baby they helped bring into the world is a source of joy for many surrogates.

Embark on your surrogacy journey with us, where every step is guided with care, ensuring a smooth and joyful experience from pregnancy to delivery and beyond.

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Start your journey with us today.