Surrogacy Requirements

At Danak Christian Surrogacy, we are committed to ensuring a positive and successful surrogacy journey for both surrogates and intended parents. To achieve this, we have established a set of requirements that potential surrogates must meet. These criteria ensure that our surrogates are physically, emotionally, and spiritually prepared for the surrogacy process, and that they share our commitment to Christian values.

Basic Requirements

    • Age: Surrogates must be between 21 and 40 years old.
    • Health: Surrogates should be in good overall health, with a healthy BMI (body mass index). They must not have any significant medical conditions that could complicate pregnancy or pose risks.
    • Previous Pregnancy: Surrogates must have had at least one successful pregnancy and delivery with no major complications. This ensures familiarity with the pregnancy process and an understanding of what to expect.
    • Non-Smoker: Surrogates must be non-smokers and should not use recreational drugs. They must agree to abstain from alcohol and any other harmful substances during the surrogacy process.
    • No termination unless the surrogate’s mother’s life is at risk

Medical Requirements

  • Medical History: A thorough medical history review will be conducted to ensure there are no underlying conditions that could affect the surrogacy.
  • Fertility Screening: Surrogates must undergo fertility evaluations, including tests and screenings, to confirm their ability to carry a pregnancy to term.
  • Obstetric Records: Surrogates need to provide medical records of previous pregnancies and deliveries for review by our medical team.

Psychological Requirements

  • Mental Health: Surrogates must have a stable and healthy mental state, with no history of significant mental health issues. Psychological evaluations will be conducted to ensure emotional readiness for the surrogacy journey.
  • Counseling: Surrogates must be willing to participate in counseling sessions before and during the surrogacy process to ensure ongoing emotional support.

Lifestyle and Support

  • Stable Living Environment: Surrogates should have a stable and supportive home environment, with a strong support system of family and friends.
  • Christian Faith: Surrogates must share our Christian values and be willing to integrate their faith into the surrogacy journey. This includes participating in prayer and other spiritual practices as part of the process.
  • Legal Requirements: Surrogates must be legal residents of the country and comply with all legal requirements related to surrogacy.

Commitment and Agreement

  • Commitment: Surrogates must be fully committed to the surrogacy process, understanding the responsibilities and dedication required.
  • Legal Agreement: Surrogates must be willing to sign a legal agreement outlining the terms and conditions of the surrogacy arrangement, ensuring clarity and protection for all parties involved.
  • Communication: Surrogates should be open to maintaining regular communication with the intended parents and the surrogacy agency, fostering a transparent and trusting relationship.

Financial Stability

  • Financial Independence: Surrogates should be financially stable and not dependent on the surrogacy compensation for basic living expenses. This ensures that the decision to become a surrogate is made for altruistic reasons and not out of financial necessity.

Join Us

If you meet these requirements and feel called to help others achieve their dream of parenthood while upholding Christian values, we invite you to take the next step. Becoming a surrogate is a profound and generous act of love, and at Danak Christian Surrogacy, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Contact us today to learn more about becoming a surrogate and starting this incredible journey.